Better Internet Starts with You!
Where do you feel safer when meeting people: online or in real life? Many of us prefer to turn to social media and other online outlets when meeting people. From the comfort of our own homes, it is easy to let our guard down, which is why ensuring a safe and wholesome internet experience is Continue Reading …
Can You Be Yourself Online?
The internet and social networking have become a huge part of our lives. The online world brings lots of advantages – it allows us to connect with others, share our ideas, get creative, have fun and express ourselves. But there can be downsides. Research conducted by The Diana Award in partnership with ASKfm and psychologist Dr Linda Papadopoulos Continue Reading …
‘Sometimes the person I hate is myself.’
Social media is amazing. It allows you to connect with new people all over the world. When you are anonymous, you will find it easier to ask those deep questions that help you to get closer to your good friends. However, life isn’t always great, and young people use social media apps to share the Continue Reading …
10 Things To Do If You’re Being Bullied
Being a victim of bullying hurts! No one wants to be bullied or see their friends or family members bullied. If you are being bullied, or know someone who is and want to help, you’ve come to the right place. ASKfm has some tips to help you, or your loved one get through this. Always Continue Reading …
Is Your Friend Thinking About Suicide?
Here Are Five Ways You Can Help 1. Don’t be afraid to ask the tough question. When somebody you know is upset and feeling hopeless, be direct and honest. Ask them upfront, “Are you thinking about killing yourself?” Encourage him or her to tell you the truth, and let them know that you will be Continue Reading …
The author, Parry Aftab, is an Internet privacy and security lawyer and an expert in cybercrime and best practices. One of the biggest problems we have online is that no one thinks between their brain dump typing and clicking “send.” There is a filter between what we think and our mouths called “being polite.” Generally this filter Continue Reading …
20 Questions for a Safe Password
The author, Parry Aftab, is an Internet privacy and security lawyer and an expert in cybercrime and best practices. Passwords, when misused, can be a serious threat to students who quickly find their accounts hacked, taken over or messages sent to their friends in their name. While 70% of polled students told Wired Safety that they share Continue Reading …
A Digital Self-Defense Checklist
The author, Parry Aftab, is an Internet privacy and security lawyer and an expert in cybercrime and best practices. I have chosen a password that is easy for me to remember and hard for others to guess. I have not shared my password with anyone, even my best friend, boyfriend or girlfriend. I have not clicked “save Continue Reading …
A Letter to Teens on ASKfm
Dear ASKfm Teens, My name is Hemanshu (Hemu) Nigam, and I’m an online safety, security, and privacy expert working with the ASKfm safety team. For more than 20 years, I’ve worked alongside many companies like ASKfm, helping to keep teenagers safe online. It’s always been my mission to make the newest and most exciting technologies Continue Reading …
Teen Tips: Stopping CyberBullies in Their Tracks
Know that it’s not your fault. What people call “bullying” is sometimes an argument between two people. But if someone is repeatedly cruel to you, that’s bullying and you mustn’t blame yourself. No one deserves to be treated cruelly. Don’t respond or retaliate. Sometimes a reaction is exactly what aggressors are looking for because they Continue Reading …